Esta instalación audiovisual y sonora recoge setenta y nueve sentencias autoreferenciales y asertivas sobre el arte, el artista y su relación con el mundo. Pero el significado de las frases se vuelve incierto, incluso se rompe cuando se escuchan voces yuxtapuestas y entrecruzadas en el espacio. En las proyecciones de video se visualizan palabras superpuestas o se leen las sentencias escritas sobre cajas de cartón abandonadas. Este texto nómada en busca de soporte se ofrece también fragmentariamente en veintisiete espejos apoyados en atriles que conforman un laberinto basado en el Juego de la Oca.
Tanto la palabra como el sonido, los gestos y el espacio físico forman parte de un sistema comunicativo que incide en el significado del mensaje, así como en el estado mental y emocional del receptor. Mientras las mismas palabras van y vienen entre el espacio sonoro, el soporte audiovisual y el recorrido textual, la obra va mutando, desde su condición de sistema cerrado y encriptado, hacía una red abierta y cambiante de significados. De este modo los enunciados se modulan y transforman a través del tiempo y del espacio en la mente del espectador.
The project Argot [Slang] (1991-2015) has been an ongoing challenge which both artists have taken on over the last twenty-four years, across mediums and contexts as diverse as radio, video, a museum and, currently, an old tobacco factory. On each occasion, the words were installed on different supports: originally on Austrian public radio; then on the staircase and halls of mirrors of a baroque palace which used to be the venue for the Museum Moderner Kunst in Vienna; on the concrete in a garage; and on the white walls of a gallery. Every time, the same words and concepts are written on mirrors, supported by lecterns or, as in the current exhibition, formulated as videographic action: we watch them being written on the old cardboard boxes of cigarette filters that were found in the abandoned rooms of the Tabacalera factory.
In Argot are to be found phrases about artwork and about the position adopted by the artist in confronting reality: ideas that have been expressed in different moments and contexts in the recent history of art. Although slang represents an agreed system of signs, such apparent agreement begins to break down, or even collapses, in the instant in which the phrases are heard juxtaposed and intermingled by four different voices and in four languages (Spanish, English, German and French). The phrases, in turn, cause interferences when the words written across the reflective surfaces are read by the visitors while superimposed on their faces. The mirrors also serve to connect the work to the surrounding space which can be seen partially integrated on their surface. All of this allows one to experience the complexity and mutability – that is, sudden variations or even errors – of the relationships between signs and meanings, influenced by the context within which the installation has been set up.